After reading this page, if you would like to move forward with reserving a room, please contact adam@bootstrapmusic.com Thank you.
Shared room with drums includes only the following equipment:
— Sonor AQ1 Stage 5-piece drum kit
— DW 5000 hi-hat stand
— DW 5000 single bass pedal
— three cymbals stands
— throne
— ride, hi-hats, two crash cymbals
— One powered PA speaker. (bring your own mic, stand and cable)
(bring your own clutch and sticks).
(You’re welcome to bring any or all of your own drum equipment. Storage options for your drums are available)
These rooms are intended for solo practice, or duos. Trios are acceptable. There is a strict occupancy limit of not more than three people.
Access & Schedule:
You will be able to schedule multiple sessions each week. Typically, this comes in the form of having one session that is reserved for you every week, and being able to book additional days/evenings according to availability.
Sessions will be in 3-hour increments, at pre-defined times that maximize the efficient use and availability of the rooms for everyone.
You will have a locked-in regular weekly spot that you will always have reserved just for you, in advance, every week. Additional hours/sessions are available on a same-day basis. You will have access to the online calendar and will be able to see availability and make your reservations remotely.
Here’s a concrete example of all of this: You pay $79.00 per month for Tuesday nights at 5:00pm. With that you have 5:00pm till 8:00pm reserved for you. That’s a locked-in, standing, reservation on the calendar that is always there, for every week, no need to do anything other than show up at that time each week. On Thursday morning, you get your cup of coffee, and decide you want to, also, practice that night. You sit down at your computer, and pull up the calendar, and see that a room is available that night, and you reserve it. The next morning after that, you decide that you would, also, like to practice again on Friday night. So, you do the same. There is no limit to how much you can use the rooms, but (with some exceptions) you have to wait till the same day to reserve additional time.
Easy Loading
The room is roughly 50 feet from the loading zone parking, and all grade level (no stairs or elevators). A cart is provided, on site, to make that 50 feet even easier.
Storage: (photos at bottom of this page)
Storage lockers are available. Photos of these are at the bottom of this page. You will need your own padlock. The lockers are located outside of the rooms. So, you will always be able to access your stored gear (24-7, this is one of the reasons for the security deposit). Lockers are large enough to store a standard drum kit, stacked up, with stands and cymbals etc…
What are the rates?
Rates start at $79 per month. Lockers are an additional $41 per month.
What are the benefits to this?
-Considerably less expensive than a private room.
-Your cost of rent does not vary as other bands leave/join.
-Gear is provided.
-Bands that you share with can’t mess with, steal, or break your gear.
-If another band is unreliable in paying rent, it does not affect you.
-More flexibility in scheduling, and more time available, compared with hourly, and when you have access to multiple rooms.
-Having a share and access to multiple rooms greatly increases the availability of a room at any time.
-Having a structured, regular, rehearsal time each week can greatly benefit the success of your project.
Do you require a security deposit?
Can I use the space for both of the bands I am in?
Probably not.
Can I share my share with another band or person not in my project?
No, people have been caught doing this and lost their access entirely.
Is there sound dampening materials on the walls or any kind of acoustic treatment?
How well are the rooms isolated from other rooms?
These rooms were custom built to be practice rooms. So, the isolation is better than regular walls.
Contact: adam@bootstrapmusic.com